What you will need

Welcome to the "Easy Zentangle Wreath" workshop!

Once you learn this fail-proof way of making beautiful Zentangle wreaths, you will be able to c any wreaths using the same technique. The tile I demonstrate in the videos is not for a particular season, but I will show some sample tiles for different seasons to inspire you as well. 

You will need:

  • 1 white Zendala tile (or water color paper cut into approximately 4-5/8” or 117mm diameter)
  • Black fine tip drawing pen (I will use Sakura Micron 01)
  • Wider tip black pen, preferably with the same ink as your drawing pen (I use Sakura Micron brush for inking in bigger spaces. Sakura Graphic pens are good options too.) 
  • graphite pencil and tortillon

  • optional: watercolor pencils or watercolor (I will use sumi watercolor)
  • optional: white charcoal pencil and tortillon (optional)
  • optional: white gel pen (optional)

I hope you enjoy this workshop!

Tomomi Galeano, CZT

For more info: Pebbles & Drops

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